Wednesday, August 26, 2020


It takes 40 days to create a new habit or break a habit.  This is an axiom of Yoga.  I have always applied certain Yoga principles to my Magickal and Meditation Practice.

Mantra Yoga is the art of tuning in to a specific Resonance/ Current through sympathetic vibration.  This alchemy process causes changes in your vibration.

Change in your vibration causes changes your life.  Because of the physical nature of the overall Alchemical Transformation I factored in a general rule of fitness from my workouts.  To get the optimal physical affect out of your workouts you have to practice a technique for at least twenty minutes. 

So I designed my own 20 minute/ 40 day Alchemy Practice in 2005 after reading a Kundalini Yoga book. 

The great thing about Yoga is that it is a collection of Techniques.  It is not a dogma or caught up in dualism.  The techniques can be plugged in and used to augment any Magickal System or Practice. 

Even within the Yogic Practices, the 20/40 Alchemy technique can be applied to Raja Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Hatha Yoga.  The permutations of systems that can can be optimized through the clear understanding and implementation of Yogic Techniques are limitless. 

You have to understand that the Yoga techniques taught in the west are usually focused on the Asana.  The Asana is the kindergarten of Yoga techniques intended to train your body to not distract you from Your Path.

I was fortunate enough to be introduced to Yoga at the same time in my life when I was receiving Magickal Training in my first Coven in 1986.  At the time though I didn't realize how important it was that I learn both.  

A rose by another name is still a rose.  But if one rose is a puzzle with missing pieces or muddled twisted descriptions and the other is unbroken then one can be used as a key to unlock the other. 

When I was studying Etruscan Witchcraft, the more I learned the more excited I got.   I learned that there may have been an unbroken line of a Witchcraft Tradition that survived the inquisition in the shadow of the Vatican.  But see that is the problem, isn't it?  All of the Magickal Traditions being taught and all of the Grimoires are all puzzles with missing pieces.  Wouldn't it be nice if there was a science that could be used to objectively activate and utilize any system?  Damn that would be awesome.

Disclaimer: applying the 20/40 Alchemy technique causes actual changes which can manifest catastrophically so be sure to choose the Mantra carefully so that the changes will be aligned with your Path of Ascent. 

Article by 
Dea Phoenix 

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