Monday, May 20, 2019

Common Sense

You don't study Martial Arts to start fights but to finish them.  This also applies to the study of Black Magick. 😎

Friday, May 10, 2019

Coke and Pepsi

The presidential candidate selection process in the democratic and republican parties is clearly broken because we as voters in most of the American Presidential elections have had to choose between two people who are not the two best candidates who declared that they are running for president in that cycle.  Look at all of these rational and consistent candidates who have been trampled by the nomination system and how they could have lost their parties nomination to such extreme and pathological liars who turn out to just make a mess of things.  Why don't intelligent and reasonable people make it through the nomination  process of the democratic and republican parties?  Look at all of the great candidates who have declared they are running for president for the 2020 election. Something needs to change in the nomination process so that we can actually have a reasonable set of candidates to vote for on election day.  I am tired of having to choose between the lesser of two evils.