Wednesday, June 17, 2020


Remember how when Johnathan Livingston Seagull was stretching his wings and pushing the envelope of possibility?  All of the other seagulls thought that he was being ridiculous.

That's how we look to the masses in 2020 because we are still stretching our wings and pursuing the possibilities of our Spirituality.

Remember that when the squabbles of land locked birds rifling through the trash reach your ears.

Spread your wings and rise on the Winds of Change.

Love and Gratitude

Thursday, June 11, 2020

In Plain Site

I first bacame aware of Systemic Racism when the Sheriff bought a property really cheap just outside of LA Harpe Illinois.  I have an inquisitive nature so I soon discovered the way he was able to afford it.

An African American woman purchased a House just outside of town.  She was moving her family to small town America to live the American Dream and the Good Ole Boy Club burned down her house.  Then the city claimed the property and gave it to the Sheriff.

That was 1980 and as far as Law Enforcement was concerned, no crime had been committed.  

That property went to the Sheriff's daughter and is the cornerstone of his families wealth and stability to this day. 

Civilization is agreements between people and in America there is an unwritten agreement by the good ole boy networks that have existed for many generations to terrorize POC.

This is one example of Systemic Racism hidden in plain site.

Before we can find solutions we have to identify what the problem really is.

They say that it is darkest before the dawn...

Civilization is agreements between people, let's agree: Black Lives Matter.