Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Wreck we 'em...


A disaster movie, revolution or an embarrassing illustration of the state of humanity in modern times?

The reason we say that hindsight is 20/20 is because we gain clarity and understanding of our experiences over the years and not over night.

It will take a while to even realize what actually happened.  At this time we are still riding the storm out. (several storms actually)   Which means that at this time we do not possess the objectivity nessicary to analyze the data and gain a reliable perception of what is going on.

It is certainly revelatory.  Is this New Year Celebration a new beginning or the Requiem of our cherished illusions?

Either way... 

GET THEE BEHIND ME 2020!!! 🎉🎉🎉

Happy New Year ✨😎✨

Friday, December 11, 2020

Biblio Fu

When I type in a word Google doesn't know (Turuilan) the results no longer give an option  to choose between what I typed in and what it recommends.  Now it just shows results for what it decides that I must mean.  You know, like closed minded people.  People forget, Google only knows what People uploaded into it's knowledge base.  And in this day and age anyone with zero credentials and any intent (to inform or mislead) can upload and add to the knowledge base.  Between that and the missing information (yet to be uploaded) it renders Google and the internet veritably useless to any serious researcher.  Sometimes you still have to use the Dewey Decimal System to track down a source and crack a book.

Ayyah Coraxo