Saturday, September 19, 2020


Among the various Magickal Arenas we share a lexicon of agreed upon terms. More than anyone else we understand and utilize the impact of language.   We see how language is used to control the masses and how it can be crafted to make people think that their thoughts are their own instead of the propaganda from the programing that they accepted.  We reject the program and struggle to excavate our individual (not group) authentic experience.

All in all the Individuals who walk their own path are pushing the envelope so hard that they might overlook something right under their nose.

The most interesting question people ask when discussing the identity of a spirit is whether it is an egregore or not. 

We ask this question essentially to determine its authenticity.  As in whether it is a thought-form generated by humans or possibly an entity that pre-exists humanity. As in whether it is a created or uncreated being.

Who is the creator in that scenario?

We give life with our thoughts like Zues gave life to Athena when she sprung from his head.

Egregor comes from the Italian Grigori which means Watcher and refers to a classification of Angel that we created.  The Latin Angelos has an entirely different meaning than the Hebrew word for Angel which means the Shadow of God. 

The implication of how we use the word Egregor is that you are a Creator so powerful that you can give life with your thoughts.  With your thoughts like in the Hermeticum where everything is described as thoughts in the mind of God. 

This is such an accepted axiom of Magick that we use it to charge talismans, concecrate tools and create change in accordance with our will. 

So just a reminder my friends, you are a God and You Know it. 

Monday, September 14, 2020

Just A Thought

I had a weird thought at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, related to the fact that it affects peoples breathing.  I did not mention it because I am a Witch and I know that it tends to freak people out when Witches reference the Bible.  But even Crowley recognized it as a Grimoire.

The fact that Covid-19 affects peoples breathing made me think of several things at once.

Lucifer is the Lord of the Air.

But even more intriguing is the concept of the Rauch.  In Genesis when God breaths life into Adam he becomes a Living Soul.  In Genesis 6:3 God says that his spirit will not always dwell with man.  The Rauch is the breath, spirit and mind.  The thought I had was more of a question, is God withdrawing his spirit from man?  

As the year as progressed we have learned about more symptoms that also appear to affect the blood.  The Life is in the blood.

If the God of the Bible were withdrawing his spirit from man it would affect the Breath and Blood.  No longer a living soul what would you become?

Granted I don't believe that the Bible is accurate but in this case the lore is intriguing.

Have a great night and enjoy your Apocalypse. 

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Tuesday, September 8, 2020


Belial is a hot topic, trending on social media. ✨🔥✨

Belial has probably the worst reputation of all the Ancient Gods that became known as a Demon. ✨😈✨

There is an old adage: where there is fear there is power.

I have witnessed some of the strongest and most brilliant Sorcerers talking about working with Belial.

So now everyone wants to work with Belial.  He is a great teacher and he has granted me miraculous gifts that I didn't even ask for.

The reason Belial has such a bad reputation is that if you work with him you are telling the Universe that you are ready to Rise Up and claim your Autonomy.

No gods, no masters: Belial is the ultimate Anarchist. 

So yeah all of the people trying to manipulate and control you, gone.

All of the situations enslaving you: gone. 

Gone, gone and gone by your own hand, your choice. 

So choose wisely. 

I still think that working with Belial is the wise choice. 

But I just want you to make an informed decision.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Left Hand Path

The term left hand path is used and misused by various people to fulfill various agendas.  We have to put ideas into words that more often than not inaccurately convey the idea that we are trying to communicate.  

To me the Western Left Hand Path is self defined by the individual for purposes set by the individual.  As a social term it is useful to identify people who also think outside the box.  Although this can be problematic because people tend to build a new box and try to drag other people into their boxes. 

My personal definition of the LHP is never building a new box.

The hardest path is learning to think for yourself which means having to educate yourself so that you can actually form your own opinion.

You are free to learn everything about any box that you want to learn about just don't get stuck.

So for me the paradox is that I don't fit into a prepackaged definition of the term Left Hand Path that in itself is my definition of the LHP.

It is a lot of hard work but it is a hundred percent worth it.

Like the Tunnels of Set are not tunnels at all the Left Hand Path is no path at all.

I know, I am an odd duck. ✨🦆✨ of the mind&f=false

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Personal Freedom

So you want to burn down America but you don't want Americans to fight back.

You support Rioters Burning down businesses and neighborhoods.  You support rioters assaulting and murdering people for looking white.  It is okay for rioters to take over the streets and mob rule to become the law.

Mobs roam the streets literally raping and pillaging yet if you speak out against them then you will be labeled a racist or worse, a Trump supporter.  I am neither.  I am an advocate of personal freedom for all Americans.  But freedom is not freedom from consequences.

Have a nice day. ✨😎✨