Monday, April 29, 2019

We could...

The internet could become a global town square where an intelligent exchange of ideas could occur.  A place of enrichment and learnimg.  A place to discuss social issues and connect with like minded people to create community.  Like anything else it is what you use it for.  Also like everywhere else it is shaped by other people too.  Maybe someday, but for now, I am profoundly dismayed by wanton displays of pure idiocy.  These are days I think about, leaving them to it and never logging on again. :)

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Food for Thought 2.0

Once upon a time in Ancient Greece ideas were shared in an open forum: the town square.  As a result certian ideals were discussed that still inform and shape our world.  These ideas took shape because the people asked pertainent questions which can only happen where ideas flow freely.  It is important to be able to question ideas that range from the fabric of the universe to what is in our food.  The internet is potentially the new town square.

The thing that has hobbled the free flow of knowledge in the past has been through a type of sequesting and control of information. When the government hides knowledge or refuses to answer our questions we are outraged.  When exclusive groups do the same thing, most people don't even question it. 

The only real reason to dam the flow of knowledge and make it exclusive is to corral and control people for the gain of the few controlling the flow.

You can easily be controlled if you do not have access to the information necessary to make an informed decision.

The internet could be a global town square where everyone has access to the information that they need to know.

As easily as  the internet can be used as a resource to educate yourself it can also be used to reinforce biases and other people can use it to catfish you.  This is why you have to be vigilante and verify what you find.  Unfortunately in your quest for knowledge and understanding for the purpose of making informed choices you will run into walls. Walls of secret groups herding people into manageable groups that block you from getting answers to your questions because in some places questions are still too dangerous.

Secret groups are where the sheep are fleeced.

The only ones who need to hide are those who can easily be undone by questions from an observant mind.  They hide from questions in many ways and carefully spin their presentation.

Consider this as food for thought and be vigilante o' student.   For if a teacher is true the knowledge will become your own wings that liberates you. 

Have a nice day. :)