Saturday, January 21, 2017


Giving the government back to the people is a noble idea. Which means that we are citizens with duty again who have work to do to make this a reality. Is that what people really want, personal responsibility? Do people really want to be free? I do and my friends do, but we are the exception to the rule.

So many Americans expect the government to operate like the autonomic nervous system and sustain them without any work on their part. Entire generations have been raised that the government is some honey pot to give them all the free money that they can suck out of it.

When people say freedom isn't free they are not just referring to the terrific sacrifice made by our military men and women, but also the duty of each individual to battle every day injustice. Life is not a level playing field: not in nature and certainly not in the wild where we are free. If we seize this opportunity, we could have a free country. If we sit back and wait and see then nothing will change. Let's make a difference...

Couch potato, keyboard warriors who don't understand what is happening trolled the live chat with witty repertoire like: "the Russians hacked my fridge and stole my beer." Oh and in all caps: "GO AHEAD AND JUST IGNORE THE TRIGGERED LIBERALS." Ok trolls are funny XD

The fact is Trump is President and whoever gets off their ass to make a difference for the next four years will shape our future.

We are at a tipping point between a rational age of enlightenment or a new dark ages where fear and ignorance rule the land. Because the Christian: anti science and anti religious freedom are already mobilized. If your smart-ass just sits back to see what happens, then you let that happen. This is not over, this has only just begun.

-- Sent from Fast notepad

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